Thank you for setting up this memorial page. We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Alzheimer's Society
15th October 2020
All my uncles have been top men, and uncle Alf was no exception.
Whenever I was in uncle Alf's company he always showed a genuine interest in what was going on in my life, from my days a young boy to my days as an old sea dog.
A big smile and a "hello our Fareed" was the normal greeting.
Our conversations inevitably always steered towards our shared passion for football.
He's the only man who could ever convince me to attend St James' Park to watch Newcastle. That in itself tells you how much I thought of him.
Rest in peace. Fareed X
30th September 2020
Rest in Peace Alf, you fought for a long time, a wonderful friend and neighbour you will be sorely missed xxx
28th September 2020